Downloads & Videos


Numbercheck Video Gate for transport & logistic (English version)

Automatic registration of consignments with OCR technology. NUMBERCheck Rail & Truck Gate registers vehicles and loading units in combined transport. The captured image data are digitized and transmitted via interfaces to our customers' higher-level operator systems - 

Image based process optimization for logistics 4.0

NUMBERCheck - Truck Gate

Camera based identification system for combined transport. Detection of license plate and trailer numbers, container codes (BIC/ILU) and status documentation, including XML interfaces to prior TOS or other process systems.

Numbercheck Video Gate for transport & logistic (German version)

Camera based registration of vehicles and loading units with OCR rail & truck gate.

Process Monitoring with Visor X/NG - Integration in PCS 7

Process Monitoring in a Sewage Treatment Facility Die Image data is integrated into control station software of PCS7 from Siemens. Visor X/NG is certified as an add-on by Siemens.

OCR Gate for street traffic

Videogate-NumberCheck in use in combined transport.

Camera Sensor Technology mounted on a steel portal with bollard protection

Automatic cargo-wagon control for SBB Cargo

The OCR-system NUMBERCheck by ASE identifies wagon numbers of passenger and freight wagons. Wagon control is assured by image inspection software with one employee..

Wagon roof surveillance

Camera based wagon roof surveillance for damage recognition and maintenance work.


Numbercheck enables the recording, controlling and surveillance of current OCR and LPR numbers and guarantees a parallel damage and maintenance documentation.

Numbercheck in Mannheim harbor

The SWR reported concerning the 3rd International Harbor congress in Karlsruhe, explicitly about our identification system Numbercheck in the Mannheim Harbor.

Wagon number identification for Ifrabel, Belgium

Numbercheck-Installation (6 tracks, double-sided) in the connecting tunnel between train station

Brüssel-Nord and Brüssel-Süd.

Maximum speed of 60 km/h requires light-intese cameras with short exposure times and

high picture rates at low compression.

Train-station Surveillance

Real time analysis of video data, event dependent recording, reports on changes, differenciation of objects and people, alerting etc...

Counting of People

People-frequency and monitoring analysis with data privacy security. Intelligent evaluation of saved neutral dynamic data.


Process and perimeter monitoring

ASE works with state-of-the-art components from the security and video surveillance industry.

With Geutebrück we have a strong partner at our side.

Process and perimeter monitoring

ASE works with state-of-the-art components from the security and video surveillance industry.

With Geutebrück we have a strong partner at our side.